Sunday, December 21, 2008

Here we are entering the winter/holiday season and Faelyn is embracing the Chicago winter like a native...wait- she is! She is on her way to becoming more and more adorable and is amazing us with her increasing adventurist spirit.

Having a conversation with Grand mama

Learning how to clink glasses and say "Cheers!" (She will cheers anything- cups, bowls, toys)

very serious clinker!

Just chillin' out (we have no idea)

Before going outside (did I mention it was -10 the other day with the wind chill?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

still tempted to say: really good!
Personalized Signature:面对面视频游戏,本地棋牌游戏,本地方言玩游戏,打麻将,玩掼蛋,斗地主,炸金花,玩梭哈