Wednesday, April 11, 2007

clearly we know who is in charge here.

enjoying some bite size veggies.

posing. some serious posing!

ready for a rainy night out!
thanks to all. be well!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Faelyn is nine months old and things have never been more exciting here at the McSchnit household.

Went to our nine month appointment and things are great...only ONE shot this time.

she is now 29 1/2 inches and weighing 21 lbs.

she is cruising these days and is developing a nice pair of fangs on the top.

learned how to get onto one of our couches in order to look out the window.

The big news is that she looked at me (daddy) the other day and said Dada! About a week later she looked at Sara and said mama. We were completely flabbergasted and ridiculously giddy on both occasions. We eagerly await more of that!

enjoy the photos:

fun in the bath.

getting to know Berlyn.

hanging out with Berlyn and Thor.

dressing up!

now if only we could get her in the duck for bath time.

sharing both the couch & sill is going to be tough for the cats.

then end of a long teething day.