Monday, June 29, 2009

and now some random cute.

For Faelyn's Birthday we spent the day at the zoo with friends...and kitty cupcakes.

Opening presents with help from Berlyn

Erica and Fuzzy before Faelyn's party...

and after...

just walking along...

and hanging out.

Thanks to Sherri, Ken, Hunter, Erica, Fuzzy, Grandmama, Kitri, Bill, Thor, and Berlyn for making Fae's bday party great.
Faelyn turned 3!!! and part of her birthday was a wonderful visit from her Oma and Opa (Erin & Wil)

and they were put to work.

thank you guys for the great visit. we miss you already!
Yay! it is time for adorable pictures of ever growing Lenora

some quiet time with Grandmama

Nap time for everybody

look way back for Fae in this exact outfit...thanks again Kate!

and now some adorable faces!

Hey you! I'm cute!!!

In the first few weeks of June lovely Miranda came out to play with Fae and Lenora...i swear we have more pictures!! hopefully more to come- we already miss you Mia.